Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Slacker is Back (Random Thoughts Today)

Man, does it suck getting older! I'm not talking in age, I talking being a responsible human being, it sucks. How much do I miss "The Apartment"? When I would just work a few jobs, pay my bills, go out Thursday...Friday...Saturday...and Sunday and still have some money left over for food. Man that was great! Now I find myself, going out not as late on the weekends only...saving money...and spending most of my time at Lowes, Home Depot, Target, and Walmart looking for things for my house. So I have been holding in on a ton of issues in my life and I can't take it anymore. So let's vent, here's some Random Thoughts from your slacker Deez...

Buying a house sucks ass! I am going to try to not do this for another 20 years, I hope! Things are still getting delayed regarding me moving into my first home, but hopefully (still crossing my fingers) it will be this Friday...hopefully! I wish I could tell all of you that it is because of my credit rating, or my pay is that low for a loan, or I just suck. But that is not the case at all. These f'n loan officers and underwriters taking care of thing are a bunch of slackers...more than me. Now I know why you have lawyers do all your work for you when your buying a home up north, you don't have to worry about crap. If I don't close on Friday, things could get ugly!

Damn you Tom Watson! I can't root for anyone in golf, because they just find a way to choke and ruin my Sunday! Tom, you gave me one of the best golf weekends of my life and with one 8 foot putt, you threw it right back into my face. Thanks for making me drink alone on Sunday Tom, your the best!


And you know what, F--- you Brett Favre and f--- you waiting til July 30th for your decision. I have had your back through the good times and bad, but this has gone too far. Enough is enough Brett, hang it up so the media can find something else to write or talk about.

Netflix is getting canceled this week and Directv might be on the way out the door as well. Time to start growing up and knowing where my money is going, and to be wasting it on these two companies is not helping me for the long term. Redbox, is more convenient, and $1 a day isn't bad at all. F--- your "long wait" or "very long wait" Netflix, I know you must be making some money, go get more copies and send the ones I want right away! Damn!!!

Something alittle more pleasant, I have finally been catching up on a ton of reading lately, especially with my book I've had on the right side of the blog forever now, Pistol. As much of a fan I was of him, even though I have only seen videos and read articles, this dude and his father were absolute nutjobs! And can anyone out there honestly tell me that they knew that Pistol Pete had an older brother? I'm half-way through this amazing book and I recommend anyone that is intrigued with this man to read it. One of the best biographies your ever going to read!

F--- Florida bugs!

F--- Florida drivers!

and F--- the Florida rich broads, bunch of _____!

One good thing that did come out of this week is that we are a week away from NFL training camp! Can you believe football season is almost here!

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