Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Day

Today marks the day where we honor our fallen soldiers that risked their lives fighting to keep our country free. Usually today is a day where families and friends gather and have food on the grill while drinking the occasional beer or soda. I must admit that we forget what the reason for this day is. Years ago, I was on a family trip to Arlington National Cemetery, it is a place everyone should visit. It is a site like no other. All the head stones lying in a field. All fallen soldiers who did not know us, but died for our cause. So today, let us be thankful for what we have and what have had through the years because of the men and women that have served this country and passed on. Thank you.

"You will always be remembered, when we salute our flag you are remembered, when we enjoy our freedom, you are remembered, as long as Liberty and Justice prevail, and America is America, you will always be remembered."

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