Saturday, October 6, 2007

Stop Buggin Me!

This was something that I have never seen in a Major League playoff game. I thought that the state of Florida had a bug problem, this was something out of a horror film, and Joba Chamberlain was the leading actor. I am not a Yankee fan nor am I a Yankee hater, but how could you not feel sorry for this guy? Sitting inside on my safe couch, it bothered me seeing all those annoying things crawling all over his neck, and cheeks, and hat, and nose. When the wind had stopped in Cleveland the bugs came and Doug Mientkiewicz was at-bat and he was having difficulty in the box with the bugs, he looked at catcher Victor Martinez and you could read his lips, "I just ate one!". The Yankees clearly have a blame for their loss Friday night, and they had wings and an appetite for moisture. Joba was so effective in the 7th inning I really had this game in the books with him coming in the eighth and doing the same thing and leaving it to Mariano Rivera for the ninth. Joba was just so bothered that he could not throw a strike and that lead to him throwing a wild pitch scoring the only run the Indians could manage to that point and the momentum clearly shifted. Let's not forget how well, Fausta Carmona pitched keeping the Yankee hitters off-balanced all game (A-Rod especially). I do not believe that the Yankees are out of this series as of yet, but you gotta wonder if they can control the pests that are the Indians.

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